Intracept Procedure
Surgical Spine Associates
Eugene A Bonaroti, MD, FACS
Board Certified Neurological Spine Surgeon located in Warrendale, PA & Fox Chapel, Pittsburgh, PA
When performing surgery, Dr. Bonaroti uses minimally invasive techniques that cause less trauma and promote a faster recovery. As an expert in cutting-edge technology, he offers many options.
Minimally Invasive Surgical Procedure
One of these options is the Intracept Procedure® for treating chronic low back pain. Thirty years of science and a strong foundation of clinical evidence has driven a clear understanding of vertebrogenic pain that results in lower back pain symptoms. Chronic low back pain continues to disrupt the lives of many patients with few traditional surgical options.
If you suffer from lower back pain, you may be a good candidate for the Intracept Procedure®. Please schedule your consultation today by calling Surgical Spine Associates or schedule an appointment online.